Literature is one of our tools of Recovery. It is by studying the OA approved literature we gain a better understanding how to work and live the 12 Steps of our program.
Some of the books we have found invaluable for our recovery are;
OA literature can be bought at the OA Bookstore
Statement on Approved Literature (Business Conference Policy Manual, 2010a [Amended 2012])
“In accordance with our Traditions, we suggest that OA groups maintain unity and honor our Traditions by using, selling, and displaying only approved books and pamphlets at their meetings. This includes OA Conference- and board-approved literature; AA Conference-approved books, booklets, and all future editions thereof, with original edition copyright 2010 or earlier; and locally produced OA literature. Locally produced literature must be developed according to OA Guidelines for Locally Produced Literature, and should be used with the greatest discretion. Local literature should be considered temporary and discontinued when OA literature approved for general use is available to cover the topic.”
Statement on Literature That Is Not OA-Approved (Business Conference Policy Manual, 1993b [amended 2010])
“It is the group conscience of the 1993 World Service Business Conference that the sale or display of literature other than OA-approved literature and AA conference-approved literature (as described in WSBC Policy 2010a) is an implied endorsement of outside enterprises, and therefore in violation with Tradition Six.”
OA Conference-approved literature
This literature has been reviewed according to the procedures for granting the Conference Seal of Approval, and the Conference has agreed that the material has broad application to the Fellowship as a whole.
- Beyond Our Wildest Dreams (#998)
- Body Image, Relationships, and Sexuality (#950)
- For Today (#984)
- For Today Workbook (#974)
- Overeaters Anonymous, all editions (#980)
- The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, all editions (#990/#990-2)
- Twelve Step Workshop and Study Guide, Second Edition (#960-2)
- Voices of Recovery (#986)
- Voices of Recovery Workbook (#996)
- A Commitment to Abstinence (#141)
- A Common Solution: Diversity and Recovery (#265)
- A Guide for Sponsors (#200)
- A Plan of Eating (#145)
- A Program of Recovery (#130)
- Before You Take That First Compulsive Bite, Remember… (#150)
- Billy’s Story*
- Black OA Members Share Their Experience, Strength and Hope (#285)
- Dignity of Choice (#140)
- If God Spoke to OA (#180)
- Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight (#310)
- Many Symptoms, One Solution (#106)
- OA Cares*
- OA Is Not a Diet Club*
- OA Handbook for Members, Groups and Service Bodies PDF (#120)
- OA Members Come in All Sizes: Welcome, Whatever Your Problem with Food (#110)
- Participants Guide (#965)
- Person to Person*
- Questions and Answers (#170)
- Recovery Checklist (#105)
- Sponsoring Through the Twelve Steps (#220)
- The Tools of Recovery (#160)
- The Twelve Concepts of OA Service (#330)
- The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA: A Kid’s View*
- The Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous*
- Together We Can*
- To the Compulsive Overeater in the Military*
- To the Family of the Compulsive Eater (#240)
- To the Man Who Wants to Stop Compulsive Overeating, Welcome (#290)
- To the Newcomer (#270)
- To the Teen (#280)
- Treatment and Beyond*
- Welcome Back: Suggestions for Members in Relapse and for Those Who Care (#185)
- What If I Don’t Believe in “God”?*
Wallet Cards
- Just for Today (#410)
- Pocket Reference for OA Members (#435)
- Think First (#109)
- Twelve Traditions Pocket Guide (#445)
*Discontinued literature is available on for download.
OA Board-approved literature and materials
This literature is developed by a board or Conference committee and has been approved by the Board of Trustees.
- Abstinence, all editions (#994)
- A New Beginning (e-book)
- Lifeline Sampler (e-book)
- Seeking the Spiritual Path (#978)
- Participants Guide (#965)
- Taste of Lifeline (#970)
- The Twelve Step Workbook of Overeaters Anonymous, all editions (#992)
Pamphlets and Other Materials
- Anonymity (#390)
- Carrying the Message wallet card (#425)
- Focus on Anorexia and Bulimia Packet (#725)
- I Put My Hand in Yours (Red Book)*
- I Put My Hand in Yours wallet card (#437)
- Milestone Recovery Coins (#480)
- Newcomer Meeting Leader’s Kit (#740)
- New Group Starter Kit (#730)
- OA Guidelines
- “One Day at a Time” wallet card (#430)
- Sample Intergroup and Service Board Bylaws Sample Summary of Purpose
- Seventh Tradition of OA PDF (#802)
- Service, Traditions and Concepts Workshop Manual (#773)
- Sponsorship Kit (#210)
- Strong Abstinence Checklist wallet card (#415)
- Suggested Meeting Formats
- Twelve Stepping a Problem wallet card (#420)
- Twelfth-Step-Within Handbook (#485)
- Welcome Back, We Care! Packet (#721)
- Where Do I Start? (#705)
- Young Person’s Packet (#735)
Public Information Materials
- About OA
- Bulletin Board Attraction Sticky Notes (#440W)
- Compulsive Overeating—An Inside View (#320)
- Fifteen Questions (#755)
- Is Food a Problem for You? (#750)
- New Prospect Card (#450K)
- Public Information Service Manual (#762)
- Professional Outreach Manual (#772)
- Professional Presentation Folder (#870)
- To Parents and Concerned Adults (#250)
- To the Teen questionnaire (#756)
- When Should I refer Someone to Overeaters Anonymous? (#770)
- A Step Ahead (online quarterly newsletter)
- Courier (online newsletter)
- Lifeline and (subscription and online magazine)
Audio and Audiovisual
- “Many Symptoms, the OA Solution” (TV PSA)
- Overeaters Anonymous, Third Edition CD (#656) and MP3 (#657)
AA Conference-approved literature
Following is AA literature that is also OA-approved.
The following list shows those AA-Conference-approved books and booklets with original copyright dates of 2010 or earlier.
- AA Comes of Age
- AA in Prison: Inmate to Inmate
- Alcoholics Anonymous (Big Book)
- As Bill Sees It
- Came to Believe
- Daily Reflections
- Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers
- Experience, Strength and Hope
- Living Sober
- Pass It On
- AA Service Manual/Twelve Concepts
- The Twelve Steps and Twelve Tradition
OA Board-approved
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