Contact Us

We are glad you found us, and hope you read something on our site which may help you find your way home. You are not alone anymore.

“If we can help in any way, if we can answer any questions you may have, or if you need a listening ear, we are here for you” Please do not hesitate to reach out and send us a message.

Together we get better.

Looking forward to hearing from you…


Or contact any Group directly:

Atlantic Recovery
Charlottetown contact Morag 1-902-367-7084
Halifax Twelve Step Groupcontact Kathleen 1-902-877-4498
Halifax, Thurs Eve
Hammond’s Plains contact Dianne 1-902-835-2718
Sackville contact Bonnie 902-864-9646
Wolfville contact Pete 902-542-9710
Yarmouth contact Mary 902-742-3725