OAMIG Board &Committee Service Positions

In OA we have rotation of service for as in our Tradition 2 it states, “For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority— a loving God as he may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.” Rotation of service is crucial for OA’s very survival. Service is vital in recovery.

What an opportunity to work our program and do service within the Intergroup! A level of service much needed and valuable in keeping our recovery one day at a time! As a member of the Board you have a vote on any decisions made. As a visitor or committee member you may not have a vote but most definitely have a voice on all discussions.

OAMIG has the following service positions:

Executive Service Board Positions:

Executive PositionTermActing MemberDate StartContact Email
Chair 1 yr Tobi 08/2023chair@oamig.org
Vice Chair1 yrClaudette08/2023coming soon…
Treasurer (2nd term)1 yrTina08/2023treasurer@oamig.org
Secretary (2nd term) 1 yrLisa 08/2023secretary@oamig.org

Service Board Positions:

PositionChairTermStart DateContact
Fall Retreat ChairClaire1yr11/2023coming soon…
Fall Retreat Co-Chair1yrcoming soon…
Spring Retreat Chair

Spring Retreat Co-chair


1 yr

coming soon…

coming soon…
Newsletter EditorElsa1yr11/2023newsletter@oamig.org
Public Information 1yr pipo@oamig.org
Website Tech Thane 1yr 11/2023webtech@oamig.com
Website Admin webadmin@oamig.org
Bylaws1yrcoming soon…
Region 6 Rep 1yr
WSBC Delegate 1yr

Committee Service Board Positions (open to all members at anytime):

Service PositionChair/LeaderContact Email
Bylawcoming soon…
Fall RetreatClaire coming soon…

Spring Retreat


coming soon…
Website Thanewebadmin@oamig.org