7th Tradition

Maritimes Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous # 09262

This Intergroup collects 7th tradition contributions through e-transfers, checks or money orders. Any Groups or members wishing to send in their 7th Tradition contribution please:

    • E-transfer to our treasurer at treasurer@oamig.org Please put group’s name and  registration # in message.
    • Send cheque or money order to (please state name of group and registration # in memo)    Maritimes Intergroup of  Overeaters Anonymous #09292                                                   (address coming soon)                                                           

Any questions regarding 7th Tradition can be forwarded to our treasurer at treasurer@oamig.org

For contributions to Region 6:

go to Region 6

For contributions to OA World Service Office:

More information on contributing to Overeaters Anonymous World Service Office, can be found here: Contribute to OA World Service

According to our Seventh Tradition, we are self supporting through our own contributions. Some of our group expenses are;

    • Rent of facilities for meetings.
    • Officer (IG) travel and lodging expenses to attend IG meetings. Approved expenses up to a maximum of $200/meeting.
    • WSO or Region 6 delegate approved travel expenses to a maximum of $500 support per delegate.
    • Administrative Fees, Post office box etc etc.
    • Retreat reserve for supplies, Speaker travel costs & reservation holds
    • Public Information & Public Outreach Reserve
    • Website reserve for Hosting & Domain
    • Any other Expenses accrued to the facilitation of fulfilling our primary purpose.

After expenditures/reserves any excess remaining is contributed to our Region 6 and World Service Office.