Meetings are a valuable tool of our recovery in Overeaters Anonymous. Below are a list of available weekly Meetings in our service area that form our Intergroup. They are listed in our calendar. If you wish to see any further info on each group, be sure to visit their Group pages above or by just clicking on their meeting in the calendar or below;

Please note:
meeting times listed on this calendar are updated automatically to your own local time.

*Our use of Teamup is not intended as an endorsement of Teamup, but a use of their service to help carry the message.

Please check individual meetings on calendar for further details or click on meeting below for each individual groups pages;

Atlantic Recovery GroupTruro Group
Charlottetown GroupWindsor Group
Halifax Twelve Step GroupWolfville Group
Sackville GroupYarmouth Group
An easy cheat sheet of Meetings of our Fellows

Manage Meeting Info here

How to Start a Meeting

How to Join an Online Meeting

“We are all together now, reaching out our hands for power and strength greater than ours, and as we join hands, we find love and understanding beyond our wildest dreams.”

OA Promise. Roseanne’s Prayer